Contoh perintah SQL berikut menggunakan database Northwind di SQL Server.
This query is to display grand total each order and the description of grand total according to sales target which is $500.
Query ini menampilkan grand total dari setiap order dan keterangan menurut target penjualan yaitu sebesar $500.
The query :
Query-nya :
select a.orderid, c.firstname + ' ' + c.lastname as employeename, sum(b.unitprice*b.quantity) as subtotal, description = case when sum(b.unitprice*b.quantity) > 500 then 'over target' when sum(b.unitprice*b.quantity) < 500 then 'under target' when sum(b.unitprice*b.quantity) = 500 then 'on target' else 'n/a' end from orders a inner join [order details] b on a.orderid = b.orderid inner join employees c on a.employeeid = c.employeeid group by a.orderid, c.firstname + ' ' + c.lastname order by a.orderid
Modification the query, for example; we want to know grand total each employee on August 1994 :
Modifikasi query untuk mengetahui grand total setiap pegawai pada bulan Agustus 1994 :
select c.firstname + ' ' + c.lastname as employeename, sum(b.unitprice*b.quantity) as subtotal, description = case when sum(b.unitprice*b.quantity) > 5000 then 'over target' when sum(b.unitprice*b.quantity) < 5000 then 'under target' when sum(b.unitprice*b.quantity) = 5000 then 'on target' else 'n/a' end from orders a inner join [order details] b on a.orderid = b.orderid inner join employees c on a.employeeid = c.employeeid where month(a.orderdate) = 8 and year(a.orderdate) = 1994 group by c.firstname + ' ' + c.lastname order by c.firstname + ' ' + c.lastname
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