Jumat, 15 Juni 2012

Practical Skills is The Best

Dear reader, below is a "question answers" from Yahoo Answer which will give you little bit description what inside an employer head. And life proves from answerers.

Pembaca yang budiman, di bawa ini adalah tanya jawab yang diambil dari situs Yahoo Answer, yang menggambarkan kekhawatiran dari seorang pemilik lapangan kerja yang akan memperkerjakan seseorang yang tidak memiliki "kertas" (ijasah, sertifikat -penulis-). Dan perhatikan jawaban-jawaban yang diberikan.

From / dari : http://sg.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20120614185600AAnvAuL

Question :

Would you hire a web developer without a degree?

If they could show you first hand via a portfolio they know what they are doing, and if you gave them a quiz they could pass it with flying colors and get the job done 100% right the first time, but they just don't have that piece of paper? Would you ever give someone like that a chance?
Answers :
Ask them for references, and web sites that they have designed. You will see their actual finished work, and you can talk to the client to see how efficiently it was done.
But if they are a new developing company, then you will have to go with your sense of their abilities.
You are looking for talent, and that does not always come with a degree. Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard. No degree.  (cat lover)
Web development needs skills and ability. A degree is not an assurance that the person has that skills. Moreover, having a degree counts a lot but speaking of web development, it is not a preference after all. Most dropouts are highly skilled in web development. I knew a few of people having a degree in MSCS but they don't even know if it's feasible to have a MySQL database as the back-end and MS Access as the front-end running in a real-time environment. The other one I also know don't even have the idea as on how to connect Visual FoxPro database and MS Access database and merge their files. (Cool)
sometimes paper just a paper, prove none (nicefx)
 The point is :
  • sharpening your practical skills time to time.
  • prove to them that you're the best eventhough you do not have some papers!

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